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The application for the 200 million kuna aid for the purchase of mineral fertilizers starts on April 1

29 March , 2022, 7:31 am

Slika /slike/Priopcenja/harvester-g760e07d43_1920.jpg

Pursuant to the Ordinance on the implementation of the Small Value Support Program for Farmers for the Purchase of Mineral Fertilizer published on Friday, March 25, 2022, applications for support will be submitted in the period from April 1 to May 15, 2022. For the implementation of the Program in order to provide some compensation for the increase in fertilizer prices and to maintain the current level of agricultural production in Croatia, an amount of 200 million kuna has been provided, and it is expected to cover 88 thousand farms.

This is another in a series of reactions of the Ministry to the current crisis caused by the increase in inputs in agricultural production, and the support is intended for farms that grow crops, perennial crops, vegetables, ornamental plants and medicinal plants, while eligible producers are registered in Register of Farmers, who submitted a Single Application for Support to the Agency for Payments in Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development in 2021.

The minimum eligible area under agricultural crops is 1.0 ha, and up to the first 20 ha of agricultural areas of the agricultural holding on which one or more of the listed crops are grown are eligible for support. The aid is granted in the amount of HRK 450.00 / ha for the first 10 ha of the agricultural holding and HRK 250.00 / ha for the remaining 10 hectares of the agricultural holding, up to a total of 20 hectares of the agricultural holding beneficiary’s area.

Details of the support and the required forms can be found at the link.
